Girls, I Need Your Help! My Christmas Depends On It!!!

Hey ladys!

Sorry for all the blogging absense of late!

I need some assistance! As I've said before, we're considering the LA area as our next location to live after the island. With that in mind, we're considering a trip there for a first glimpse over the Christmas holidays. This won't make or break the decision to move there, but will give us a first look as tourists for about 4 days since we've never been there before.

But where should we stay? It's HUGE!!! Should we stay downtown? Or in Hollywood? Brentwood/West Hollywood? So many choices and we literally have no idea!

Also, is it wise for us to rent a car? Or should we try to taxi ourselves around for the first trip? We're good drivers, but I understand that LA driving is scary!!! Will there be parking at the hotels?

I really appreciate any feedback y'all have! Hope you've all had a great weekend!!!

Pink Julep!


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