California Dreamin

So, for ages, my mister and I were thinking we would probably like living somewhere nice in the South... not sure that we wouldn't, but lately, with options open for where we'll go after our stint on the island, I find my mind fixating toward LA. I nearly moved to LA after college, but something pulled me toward New York so I went there instead as I had dreamed I would all through my youth. However, I've never put LA out of my mind as a potential destination and lately it's all I think about. What it would be like to live there.

Now, I've never actually been to Los Angeles. I've never been west of Vegas, but I feel like that's all changing soon! I'm setting my sites on taking a trip out there next year with my hubs - an investigative vacay of sorts. We are still thinking of trips to the South on our long weekends and maybe a road trip through the deep south around Christmas. We've plenty of time left here to research and dream about where we'd like to go next as well as vacation days that will need filling - I'd like to fill them with looking for a new start!

So, with that said - Who lives in LA??? Any thoughts? What should I read or watch or research before my trip out there that might give me some insight as to what it would be like to live there? Anyone attend UCLA? I'm thinking of going back to school when I get back to the US.

Also, if anyone lives in Charleston, SC - what's it like? What is the job market like there? Any good schools around? I'm considering something creative maybe like PR, publishing or maybe Law School, but I'm still undecided...

Any thoughts or opinions sent my way would be really appreciated!!!

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend! Sorry no pictures, but it's difficult to post any when using someone else's computer - hopefully we'll be able to replace ours soon enough! For now I'm off to finish reading New Moon!!! Sadly, it will still be two weeks till I can get my hands on the 3rd book - AAAAGggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Not sure how I'll wait that long! YIKES!

Pink Julep!


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