Springtime...and the living's easy...

Happy Friday! I am SOOOOO glad it's finally Friday....

My favorite time of year in Charleston is the Spring... the weather is perfect {upper 60's to 70's} and we get to start beach weekends long before the tourists arrive and take over. Another favorite tradition we have is going to Red's Ice House on Shem Creek in Mt. Pleasant for happy hours after work. You sit on their deck right on the creek, drinking cold beer, eating delicious seafood, watching boats float by and occasionally a dolphin or two swim by... it's {in the words of Will Ferrel} "glorious"!

So today my friends and I are kicking officially kicking off Spring and going to Red's after work for happy hour... I'm staring at my clock, willing it to hurry up and be 5pm already.

Figuring out what to wear this time of year, however, can be tricky... it's warm during the day, sometimes breezy, and majorly cools off at night... what to wear? what to wear?

While in Europe, I loved people watching and seeing what all the fashionistas were wearing... there was one definite reoccurring trend that I noticed - and even my fiance noticed - that all the girls were wearing. We saw it in Copenhagen, all over Germany, and in Switzerland.

Black leggings.

Yup... black leggings were VERY popular over there. Black leggings as pants with either flats or boots {mostly boots in Copenhagen because it was so cold - I am digging black leggings with tan/brown boots} with tunic tops or sweaters. Girls of old and young were wearing them... from grandma's to preschoolers... all ages we saw this trend.

{click on photos for source}

It was so prominent that Bradley and I would sit at the train station and count the number of girls walking by wearing black leggings.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I've said numerous times that I dislike the leggings as pants trend. And a lot of my close girlfriends {you know who you are!} are adamant that this is a no no. And let's face it...sometimes, yes, some girls don't need to be wearing black leggings with their butt showing.

But the more I saw the black leggings trend in Europe, the more I liked it. None of the girls had their butts hanging out... they styled the leggings with a long tunic-like top and their rears {probably to my fiance's disappointment} were covered.

I'm already a converted fan of jeggings, so the idea of wearing leggings {think comfort!} really appeals to me...I already wear leggings under short dresses - only because I am modest and I like the extra coverage - but I like the idea of trying to pair them more with tunic tops and in other versatile ways. And I think this look is perfect for this transitional Spring weather.

So today I'm going to try out a new pair of black leggings I just got - yes, shape wear leggings from one of my fave reality stars, Bethenny Frankel - with a really cute tunic top I got majorly on sale from Ideeli. I'm going to pair it with a black cardigan, possibly a black belt, red patent wedges from Target, a taupe bag, black sunglasses....and a cold beer!

So what do you think? Are you into the leggings trend at all? Do you ever venture to wear them as 'pants' with tunic tops??


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