Let the wedding planning begin...

First of all - thanks for all the sweet comments on my last post!! :)

So tomorrow will officially mark two weeks of me being engaged... still hard to believe...

Believe it or not, I'm not one of those girls who had her entire wedding planned since she was five. Yeah, I've thought about it here and there - but never really thought it through.

So... we're hoping (fingers crossed)... to get married early December of next year. That is a year and 3 and a half months away. It seems so far away.

But....for some reason this girl who's never thought about her wedding has all of a sudden, in the past two weeks, can't stop reading wedding magazines, browsing wedding blogs, Google image searching for wedding keywords, etc. etc. etc. I think I send my mom and my sister at least two emails a day with "What about this?" or "What do you think about this?" or "Imagine this with this and this..and then maybe this? But oh, maybe this instead."

I don't know what's gotten into me...

So the general concept I tend to be leaning towards... Christmas (without being cheesy or too Christmas-y, sans red), cold weather/wintery, diamonds, candlelight and white Christmas lights, etc. etc. etc.

So here's the color scheme I'm thinking... navy and green with grey/silver accents...

What do you think?? I have so many ideas, my head is swimming...


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