I've been working hard all day, since 8:30 this morning preparing for my trip this weekend to Cincinnati! I will be collecting my dress, having my first fitting, doing lots of shopping, and seeing family! I will be meeting my new nephew for the first time!!! He's only like 2 1/2 months old and I'm super excited about seeing him, my mother, my sister and my two nieces!!! Fun fun fun!
But, with that said, it's a lot of work. I'm making lists, printing out maps & directions, iteneraries and addresses! I have a lot to do in a very short amount of time. I'm also taking a lot of the DIY stuff we've made and other things we've gotten for the wedding to send home with my mother for safe-keeping until we pick them up from her house for the big day!!!
Here's the schedule I've mapped out so far:
My flight leaves Cayman at 12:30 and I arrive in Cincinnati at 7:30pm.
* 7:30 - deplane, collect baggage & pick up rental car
* 8:30 (ish) head directly for Kohl's which is open until 11pm on Fridays!!! Get the shopping started!!!
11pm - head to the 24 hour Walmart Super Center that is the size of a city block for little bits and bobs - craft items, headbands and all that great "stuff" you can get at Walmart!!!
*** Leave Walmart sometime before 3am, check into the hotel, perhaps have a lovely bath and get in bed for beauty sleep to be ready for the next day of power errands!!!
* 7am - wake up and face the day!
*8:30 - drive to meet Mom and family for breakfast near Rookwood Commons
*9:30 - Hit the TJ Maxx in Rookwood and other stores if there's time
*11am - Travel to the Reading Wedding District
* 11:45 - Pick up my wedding dress!!!
* 12:45 - walk next door for first fitting!!!
* 1:45 - head to the mall, Kenwood Town Center to shop till I drop! (Go to Dillard's first for the Lily Pulitzer 50th Anniversary Jubilee event!)
* 8am - Target & Best Buy
* Noon - Saks Fifth Avenue in Downtown Cincy and visit The Hilton, our new hotel for the wedding guests and bridal breakfast! See the Julep Room!!!
* 2pm - Rookwood Commons & Pavillion (hit the other stores!!!)
* 8pm - Dinner with family
Fly out at 6:45 am and arrive at noon in Cayman
* 1pm - collapse from exhaustion! :-)
In between all these events I plan to hold the new baby a lot and enjoy meals and time with the family. Am I crazy?!?!?! Will I be able to fit all this into one tiny little weekend??? I think I can handle it! hee hee
I hope there are some good deals! I'm so looking forward to the weekend, but for now, I'm doing laundry, packing and getting organized!
Pink Julep!
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