I love you too!

Awards make me happy. And I feel certain they make you all happy too. Here's some bloggy love for y'all!

This first award was given to me by the fabulous Kori over at Blonde Episodes. She is so great and creates the most unique blog awards. If you don't know her please go pay her a visit!

These ladies' blogs are like a vacation for me....

The next award came from Trish over at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover. She is such a sweetheart. We have only known each other a short time, but in that time she has become a dear blogging friend. Thank you so much, sweet lady!

The rules: Name ten things that make you happy and tag ten blogs :)

In no particular order.....

1. Fresh Laundry. Mmmmmm. My.favorite.scent.ever.

2. The funny things that my kids say. One of my 2nd grade boys said to me yesterday, "Ms. Julie, you tie dyed your hair!!"

3. Mojitos. Y'all already know how much I L-O-V-E these little Cuban concoctions!

4. Surprises. Love 'em. Surprises make me so so happy. A surprise visit, gift, party, new pair of shoes from my mama....

5. Getting letters in the mail/Sending people letters. Snail mail is one of my favorite things ever! If you want to be pen pals let me know!

6. Decorating. Seriously, you knew this was going to be somewhere on this list. I especially love holiday decorations!!

7. Gardening/Visiting gardens. I know I mentioned my love for flowers in the precious post. How could you not get happy looking at this picture??

9. Pedicures in the summer. Such a wonderful treat in the summertime.

10. The beach. Can I just move there already?

I have came across some fantastic new blogs recently, so I'm passing this award to some of them :)

Rhianna Claire
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
BacWoods Fern
Life in Dawleywood
Nautical by Nature
Puttin' on the G.R.I.T.S.
The Swede Records
A Diary of Lovely
Deals, Steals and Heels
Honey, Sugah, Dahlin'

Enjoy your awards ladies!! You deserve them!

 (Photos via weheartit)


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