Blog Love: Award + Gifts

(Images via 1, 2)


Happy Wednesday, everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic week so far and that 2011 is off to a spectacular start! I have another snow day today thanks to the recent storm that came through last night. Millie is one happy pup to have Mama home with her!

 This week has been a great one here at the blog thanks to you sweet people! I was awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by a few lovely ladies this week. Thank you, Chelsey from Deep in the Heart of a Texas Girl, Globetrotting Gamine,  and Jana from A Doctor and a Nurse for acknowledging me as one of your favorite blogs! You all are wonderful!

The rules are, as usual, list seven things about yourself then pass the award on to 15 stylish blogs. I want to do something a little different and I've decided to do a list of seven 'favorites,' just to mix things up a bit!


1. Favorite Fashion Ads: Kate Spade


2. Favorite Magazine: ELLE

(Katie Holmes for Elle US Feb. 2011)


3. Favorite Guilty Pleasure: Gossip Girl


4. Favorite Little Thing: Sending hand-written notes to friends


5. Favorite Simple Luxury: Fresh flowers


6. Favorite Dessert: Cupcakes or Apple Pie


7. Favorite Accessory: Funky clutches

(Image via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Now I'm bestowing this award to these very stylish ladies:

Christine at Bijou and Boheme
Christine at Bun & Borough
Mary Jo at Trust Your Style 
Michelle at Books 'N Shoes
Stephanie at Prepfection

Hope you'll play along, lovelies!


 (Image via)

Now for some extra special blog love. I received the most incredible package from my sweet Summer B. this week! Lady, I love you oh-so much and you make me a happy girl!

Check out my loot!

(All photos edited by Julie using picnik)

Among the treasures were cute socks, gold fleur de lis, fun paper clips, whale-printed koozie, 'Keep Calm' desk calendar, chandelier stamp, diamond ring sticky tabs, cupcake liners, yummy Creole seasoning, silver framed cross, photo album and a precious note that read Laissez les bon temps rouler! designed by K. Law.

Thank you so much, Sum Sum!! 


Again, happy Wednesday and I hope today is positively fabulous!


Michelle Branch ft. Santana- "The Game of Love (Live)"


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