Happy, Fun Weekend Wishes!

Here's to a happy, fun-filled weekend! 

Pop open some bubbly, dance around your living room, hit the town with your honey or friends. Have fun, do what makes you happy, loves!

(All other photos here)


Just a couple happy things to start off this weekend:

Sweet Trish at Pink Preppy Lilly Lover has kicked off the weekend with a fabulous Michael Kors watch giveaway! Go visit her gorgeous blog!


Also, I received my package today from Kate at Flapper Doodle! I will do a full feature on my stuff next week, but here is a little sneak-peek for the weekend....

(visit Kate's shop here)


Welcome to all the new followers this week- here and on twitter! So happy to have you! Please leave me a comment and introduce yourself- don't be shy!

Love to you all this weekend! Make it a happy one!


Music Info:
Artist: Frank Sinatra
Song: I've Got the World on a String


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