More Blog Love!

I was recently tagged for a question game and some awards by some very sweet ladies. If I don't pass these things along immediately I forget. You know how that goes, right? Let's get to it!



I was tagged by sweet Miss Pink Champagne in this fun little game. When I saw that she had tagged me I told her that I wanted to fill out this tag so badly but I was embarrassed to unless someone tagged me :) She was reading my mind!


Favorite color?
Well, I don't think I have a favorite. Right now I am loving any shade of blue. Especially blue and yellow together! 

Favorite restaurant?
I definitely don't have a favorite, but Italian is my favorite food!

Playing with Millie, Movies and shopping with friends, Blogging, Photography, Fashion, Decorating....

What does your room look like?
It looks brand new!! I did a redo this weekend and I can't wait to share it with you tomorrow!! This isn't my room below, but there is white bedding!

If you could have dinner with two people, dead or alive, who would they be?
My grandparents. I miss them so much and get so teary-eyed every time I think about them.

What is your next big splurge?
Probably a new car. When I'm finished with school, that's going to be my first big purchase. Unless the red soles keep tempting me....

What is your favorite joke, quote, or saying?
I have lots of favorites. But I do enjoy this one....

Anything else you would like known (a random fact)?
I like to dance to my Pandora with Millie in the bathroom while I get ready.

Now these ladies are tagged....



Shelley from Hand in Hand tagged me with this award. Thank you so much, Shelley! The rules are to share seven things about yourself and then tag fifteen blogs. That's a lot but I think I can handle it!

 I feel like I've shared SO many facts lately about myself, so I'm going to try to mix this up a bit. Dates anyone?

1. January 22, 1987: My birthday!

2. August, 1991: I started kindergarten :)

3. June 10, 2005: I graduated from high school

4. May 9, 2009: I graduated from college

5. August 2009: I started my big girl job!

6. May 2010: I will have my master's in school counseling.

7. January 22, 2017: I will turn 30.

Now I'm tagging these very 'versatile' ladies....

Meredith at (flash) pasteurized
Tara at That's Why Her Hair is So Big
Sara at A Note on the Screen Door
Rasha at and this is what she said
Claire at Bicoastally
T at Desperately Seeking Seersucker
Globetrotting Gamine
Joyce at I Love Pretty Little Things
Sara at Sara's Stories
Lacey at Lacey in Love
Sarah Ann at Sarah Ann's Bon Mot
Georgia at Simply Smile Photography
Misty at Southern Belle Mama
Sweet Tea Diaries



Allison from Simply Beautiful World gave me this fantastic award this week! Allison, you bring sunshine into my life as well, lady! I'm passing this little gem along to a few ladies that simply brighten my day.

Simone at The Bottom of the Ironing Basket
Rhiannon at Hey Gorgeous
Helena at A Diary of Lovely
Persis at Miles of Style



Hannah from Hannah and Bryan gave me the Sugar Doll award. Thank you, lady, you are so sweet and certainly a new favorite of mine!

I've already passed this along once in past week, but there are a few more ladies I want to give it to! This time I'm handing it over to some of my preppy girls. You can find the rules for the award here.

Living in Lilly
mcw at Saving the Best for Last
sCe at Summer Wind


Enjoy, ladies!! You are so deserving!


Music Info:
Artist: Maroon 5
Song: Sunday Morning
Album: Songs About Jane


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