(While this is almost wordless, I MUST tell you about our officiant later... she was a bit of a cray, cray. Please note the YELLOW folder she used. Yellow. YELLOW.)
(PS- Please also note none of these pictures have been photoshopped yet- I'll share the formal good pictures in a few weeks when I've received them!)
(got a lil' choked up during the vows... PB however said them very matter-of-factly sans emotion. Which was hilarious and very british (stiff upper lip and all!))
(We kissed each others rings as part of the ring ceremony. I thought it was sweet!)
*Didn't Mama & RPT look simply precious!?)
(Instead of a guest book, we had guests write "Love Notes" to PB and me. We're going to put them into a little scrapbook.)
*My family*
(Well a small portion... but you get the idea. Please note how UN-CENTERED the picture is. Argh.)
*Chasing my sweet flower girl down to get a picture. Isn't she precious?!*
(I LOVE this one... Despite my arm looking like a ham hock.)
I'll share the fun shots of me, PB & the bridal party tomorrow!
Did any of y'all have terrible formal pictures?!
All of our 'formal' pictures with the families came out terribly. I'm not heartbroken, but I'm a tad annoyed. We've complained and are getting some free goodies out of it.
(Sorry... I said wordless and this post is totally wordy. My bad!)
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