Greetings, sweet friends!
I hope your week is going well- we're halfway to the weekend! I was home from work yesterday over whatever the yucky stuff is I told you about on Monday. Millie and I dragged around all day, and somewhere between multiple naps I finally started to feel a little better- thank goodness!
I'm joining Flip Flops & Pearls again this week and linking up for Semi Wordless Wednesday. You all know how much I love Fashion Meets. . . posts- striking frocks combined with an unexpected counterpart leaves me just giddy. I discovered EmmaKissTina (Illustrations by Kristina Hultkrantz) on Etsy sometime back and have blogged a few of the pieces here and there. Today, however, I wanted to do a full feature and show you just how lovely this shop really is!
Wishing you a lovely Wednesday, darlings!
I'll be back tomorrow for Pink & Green Thursday with an Easter decorations feature!
Wishing you a lovely Wednesday, darlings!
I'll be back tomorrow for Pink & Green Thursday with an Easter decorations feature!
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