Only One More Day!!!

Only one more day of work for Secretary Barbie aka Pink Julep and I'm so psyched!!! Everytime I'm about to leave the island or it's just before a major holiday, my office has a tendency to go off the rails just before I leave, no matter how hard I work to ensure an easy-going transition. This week has been no different. Yesterday, I worked 1 1/2 hours late, making my plans go later into the wee hours of the night last night. So today when I got home, I promptly collapsed and slept for nearly 4 hours!!! YIKES!!! I was so tired! So now I'm up with some energy and ready to conquer a few tasks before going to bed! I am prepared for a hard day tomorrow that will inevitably end with my boss grilling me for an hour starting at 4:55 about what I've left behind and what to do in my absense... bla bla bla.

Pink Julep repeats: I will not stay late tomorrow. I will not stay late tomorrow. I will NOT stay late tomorrow! (hee hee)

We're pretty set on the wedding front! I found out today that our guests for the wedding who stay in the hotel are given complimentary valet parking! AWESOME!!! That makes me feel so swanky! Valet is one of my favorite pleasures in life! It just makes life so easy when travelling! It's a massive waste of money, but when it's complimentary, YES PLEASE!!!
We managed during lunch today to pick up some slightly late Cayman souvineers for Mister's neice and nephews' birthdays! The one thing I can't seem to do is get my engagement ring cleaned. Something so simple in the US that takes 24 hours apparently takes like 2 weeks here! RIDICULOUS! And some places want to charge the equivalent of US $100!!! Ick! I'm going to try to get it done in the states when I'm home, but if not, que serra...

I'm off to organize my packing a little better so I won't have to do too much on Friday. Friday morning starts off at the spa for a full day's beauty/relaxation and that evening, my mister and I are hoping to go see The Proposal with Sandra Bullock then to bed early for an early flight on Saturday and an entire day of travelling! (yikes)

I will update as much as I can though I'm not sure when and where we'll have internet access, but when I do, you'll hear from me!!! I may not be commenting as much for a while, but occasionally, I'm still reading blogs (even though you don't know it) when I can so I'm still here! I'm just finding it harder and harder to focus on comments and posts the closer we get - I suppose that's normal... :-)
Also, thanks to everyone who's left a nice comment wishing me luck and throwing support! You gals truly are the collective virtual fifth bridesmaid!!!


Pink Julep!


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