Week in Review: New Happenings

 (Images via 1, 2; button designed by me, button image found via pinterest)

Welcome, Friday, so nice to see you again!

I hope you all have had a fantastic week and you're gearing up for a weekend full of all the things you love. As you know, I usually devote my Friday post to doing a review of the week that's just passed and the things that brought me incredible happiness and inspiration. I've decided to streamline my Friday review and focus on a top five. I like lists. You like lists. It's a match made in heaven.


Favorites February 7-February 11




Shopping Find: Inslee Haynes Design


Random lovely: New York Fashion Week kicked off yesterday!
(Image via)

(All image sources are linked)


Another feature that I'm adding to Friday posts is a blog of the week, well, actually a blog of the next week. It's very simple- I will announce my pick in Friday's post and display their button on my sidebar for the next week. I love getting the word out about blogs I love, and I think this is a great way to do just that!

Without further adieu this week's pick is Annemarie from Brunch at Saks!


Happy Friday, sweet friends!

Cheers to blog friendships, happy things, and 5 o'clock!

Glee Cast- "Pretty Young Thing"


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