Tonight on her show she had Elizabeth Berkley, originally of Saved by the Bell fame and later, the Oscar worthy Showgirls (totally sarcastic!)... And by the way, don't even try to act like you never watched SBTB cause you know you did and you also know that when the reruns come on TBS it's like a bad car wreck and you can't help but look - it's addictive and pretty much everyone still watches it sometimes even though it's absolute Crap!
Anyway, Chelsea gave her the Saved by the Bell quiz and she actually revived her most famous line - from the episode where Zack puts the girls in a group called Hot Sunday to perform at The Max for agents and Jessie gets addicted to caffeine pills and oversleeps and when Zack comes to pick her up for the gig she delivers her famous line...
"I'm so excited! I'm so excited! I'm so.... SCARED!" I had to include a pic:

And for those of you who may not remember - Screech fills in for Jessie with Hot Sunday, Slater steels flowers out of Zack's yard for her and they all live happily ever after... THE END.
But seriously, how cool is Chelsea Handler for bringin it all back to us again - I think she's one of my new heroes! She even has a sidekick - Chuy Bravo, that cutie little nugget!
Pink Julep
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