I am annoyed that people are focusing on the drama... I mean, yeah, it's interesting and all, but we often remember very bad characters for their wonderful works of art... Andy Warhol wasn't such a great guy but we all like his art!
My favorite story about Michael Jackson revolves around some free stickers I received in a box of Cheerios when I was very little. One of them looked like the photo above. I put them on my wooden bed frame and got in soooo much trouble! But I thought they were so cool and that Michael Jackson was the coolest person on the planet and having those stickers on my bed was well worth the spanking!!!
My prayers are with the Jackson family... they've been through enough and I hope their hardships in future will be fewer and farther between... I will also continue my efforts in learning to really moonwalk in honor of the King of Pop until I get it right, but after years of practice, I still suck!
Pink Julep!
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