I came across an article on CNN the other day about Demi Moore and Ashton Cutcher's Presidential Pledge video so I decided to check it out. It's inspiring to say the least. Whether you support Obama or not, this video shows the bigger picture that I think we all forget to see from time to time. No matter how small the deed, we can all make a difference!
After seeing the video, I befriended the Presidential Pledge on MySpace and would encourage you all to do the same if it suits you! And since seeing it, I've decided to stop using so much plastic for a start, especially since there's no recycling on Grand Cayman. I've purchased more tupperware to use instead of plastic baggies or tin foil for lunches and tonight at the grocery store I bought reusable shopping bags! I used to mock people for such things, but living in such a natural place where the indigenous sea turtles and lizards are near to extinction and the ocean's health is in danger I've seen the light and realized it's time to reduce my carbon footprint.
Here's the video - watch it and think about what you can pledge to help make our world a better place to live!
Pink Julep
MySpace Celebrity and Katalyst present The Presidential Pledge
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