The City and My Jewelry Box

In my book, this has been a fabulous evening! M & I went to the gym right after work - today was light cardio for 20 minutes and weights for about 45 minutes - I need to tone my arms, chest and back! I read that Kate Hudson does something like this... she'll do hard cardio for a long time one day, yoga the next, a different lighter cardio with weights the next. Supposedly, switching it up during the week targets more areas for all over results. Right now I seem to have plateaued, so I'm trying anything - only 4 months and one week till the wedding and I've got a lot of weight to lose... sheesh!
Anyway, after the gym and a shower I made dinner and then I came to my room. I've been watching all the episodes of The City that I've missed - pretty much all of them. It's great! I love that if I'm too busy to watch it on regular tv that I can still catch it online - technology is amazing! So I watched while cleaning out my jewelry box - man did it need some help! All my necklaces were tangled, earrings all over the place. I'd gotten to a place where I wasn't using a lot of my pieces because they were in such a hot mess of a disasterous jewelry box! But that's one tick off my list now and I found things I forgot I had!!! I also managed to throw out several sea shell necklaces from past family vacations (um, seriously, what was I thinking? OH RIGHT! That was my Blue Crush phase - EW!) among other things that were broken, out of style or just plain horrible! PROGRESS!!!
I'm on a mission to get organized so I might not be around as much - honestly, I've been a bit edgy and low lately and I think a lot of it has to do with not taking time for myself and the fact that my environment is not homey. It's a mess too! So I'm gonna get this place in ship shape this weekend with a good ole spring cleaning!!! It just seems like there's always a hurricane or a quarterly pest control guy and everything gets shoved on the top shelves and then we never get organized again - well... the time has come! Will post pictures of progress maybe soon!!!
What are your weekend plans?!?!
Pink Julep


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