Hi gals! Sorry I've been MIA recently... we've been quite busy this week! My manager at work had a birthday on Wednesday so we took him out Tuesday night for a howl of an evening (we had Wednesday off work!!!) and he really seemed to enjoy himself! Then a surprise birthday party on Friday night which was very fun! And yesterday we attended a friend's Country Ho Down BBQ for her mother-in-law from England's 70th birthday party - that was great! So we've been very social this weekend, not leaving too much time for the blogging but it's been loads of fun! I also finally got my hair done for the first time in ages yesterday! It's pretty gorgeous, if I do say so myself! Thank God I've finally found a place that does great hair on this island!!! My first experience in a salon here was frightening and left my hair in patchy, spotty funny colors for a pretty hefty price tag. Not nice!!! This place was good and the stylists really know what they're doing - and it was much cheaper than the crappy place! Go figure!
Is anyone else excited about this?
My ever-so-attentive husband-to-be allerted me to this saying that he thought I would enjoy it! We are getting geared up to watch it tonight at 8pm on the STYLE channel! It's about 3 interns at Marie Claire. I always LOVE these shows! Can't wait to see how it goes - and Nina Garcia is involved... she hasn't always been my favorite, but she's growing on me.
Can't forget Big Love tonight - last week's episode was so good! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Hope y'all have had great weekends too!
Pink Julep
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