Facials & Interesting Conversations

Tomorrow I'm going for my 2nd pre-wedding Guinot Hydradermie facial! Looking forward to it and indulging in all this relaxation & pampering!!!

On another note, someone I'm very close to who's essential to my wedding (a top tier relative - you do the math) just said the following:

Her - (In a sarcastic tone) "Sounds like this is gonna be some do (*laughs*). I think it's funny."

Me - "What's funny about it?"

Her - "I don't know... just sounds funny. (*laughs AGAIN!*)

What was I supposed to get from that conversation? I'd be lying if I said it didn't completely stress me out and hurt my feelings a little...

I guess after intense planning for over a year, many hard-earned dollars spent and becoming a hermit in efforts to save money so that everyone can come to eat, drink and party till their little hearts are content, the last thing I want to hear is that the wedding I've worked so hard on and saved for is FUNNY?!?!?!

We are 28 days away and now the madness begins. I wish there was a polite way to say to people "I'm paying for it. You're not! Your opinions are not welcome so keep them to yourself or don't come!" But I suppose that would be incredibly rude... However, this is the same person who suggested that we don't use flowers saying that we could "just put baby's breath on everything." (Pink Julep throws up a little in her mouth at this thought! Baby's breath is so 1985 - ick!)

Miss Janice if you're reading, I'd love some advice on how to handle people's rude thoughtless comments about the amount we're spending on the wedding (by the way, probably a lot less than most people spend), the choices we've made and the style of our wedding...

I mean, I'm the first to admit that Eskimo Love Song sounds kind of funny, but it's the reading that M & I chose and we love it and it's really sweet! Not to mention that everyone should know by now that multi-cultural tolerance is cool and being closed minded is not...

Sorry - had to get that off my chest... Thanks for reading/listening!

Pink Julep!

PS - no offense to anyone who likes baby's breath - it's my personal opinion and I tend not to judge others' floral choices - your choice is your perogative, not mine. :-)


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