Ah Shucks!!!

Thanks so much to Vineyard Vogue for making me a Queen of Allll Things Awe-Summmm!!!! So sweet of you!

My royal duties include:

1. List seven things that make me awe-summm!!

2. Pass the award on to seven bloggers I read religiously.

3. Tag those 7 bloggers.
4. Don't forget to link the Queen that tagged me.

5. Copy the pic and put it into my sidebar.

The Seven Bloggers I tag are:

All these blogs are fab and some of my favorite reads!!!

And here are my 7 Awe-summm traits:

1. I am a great gift-giver! I have a knack for remembering what even the most random people say they like, want or are interested in.

2. Even though I'm not as tidy as I'd like to be, I'm a very organized gal and could keep schedules for a small army if I had to.

3. I'm an excellent planner: vacations, parties, road trips, you name it! I love researching and putting schedules, maps and coupons together or planning a themed fete for my friends & family!

4. I'm a culture freak! I love theatre, dance, music, museums, anything like that!

5. I'm adventurous when it comes to doing crazy things and have enjoyed swimming in a tank with sharks and baracudas and random bungee type activities to name a few!

6. I love to travel and I think I'm a pretty good representative for the US while traveling and/or living abroad!

7. I am a pretty good cake decorator! I used to do all kinds of themed cakes with fondant, flowers, in all different shapes as birthday gifts for my students when I was a dance teacher.

8. I have an excellent memory - seriously, I can remember everything that's been said to me ever by anyone - it's kind of psycho!

Thanks again Vineyard Vogue!!!
Pink Julep!


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