What I'm Loving Today

(Image via here and here)


Happy Friday, everyone!

 Today I want to feature the amazing author behind the blog The Simply Luxurious Life. Shannon writes a gorgeous lifestyle blog and weekly and quarterly newsletter. She puts everything she has into what she does and the final product is just breathtaking, inspiring, and beautiful. Her weekly newsletter features highlights from her blog, luxurious products, reader spotlight, upcoming magazines, fabulous fashions, and whatever other gorgeous things strike her fancy.

Her quarterly newsletter for January, February and March focuses on creating a simply luxurious 2011. When I read that that was going to be the theme, I couldn't wait! I've already printed out her instructions for January and am trying my hardest to create a simply luxurious 2011 right from the beginning.

Without completely rewriting the newsletter I want to give you a little preview of 'January' and encourage you to click on over to Shannon's blog and sign up for her newsletters. You will be endlessly uplifted and inspired, I promise!


For January Shannon's suggests:

 List one simple luxury
Get at lease 6-8 hours of sleep each night


Make at least two home-cooked meals
Aerobic exercise at least three times
Strength training at least once
Stretching at lease once


Once a Month:
Balance your budget
Contribute to your future
One week of no spending


Once a Year:
Create your dream life

(Images via 1, 2, 3)

I know Shannon would love for you to visit her! I also know that you won't be able to resist her incredible posts packed with fashion, food, and suggestions for living a simply luxurious life! Who doesn't want to have a simply luxurious 2011?!

Thank you, Shannon for bringing me daily inspiration!


One final note, here are some Kate Spade lovelies that I've come across lately that just make me insanely happy! I think they're the perfect way to close out this amazing first week of 2011!

(Images via Kate Spade)


Hope you have a colorful Friday, sweets!


Glee Cast- "Valerie"


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