This Week I Loved...

 (Images via 1 & 2)

Happy Friday, loves!

I do hope you've had a fantastic week! It has truly been an exciting few days for me, in life and on the blog. Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend ahead?! I pray for lots of fun and very little snow! To start us off right, here's a Friday recap of some things that I just couldn't get enough of this week!


(Images via Matchbook Mag)

The launch of Matchbook Mag! It's everything I dreamed of and so much more! Congrats to Katie, Jane and Fallon- it's positively beautiful, ladies! Click on over and browse the amazing premier issue, it's certain to become your "field guide to a charmed life!"


(Images via Mrs. Lilien archives)

Trish's Pink and Green Thursday dedicated to the lovely Mrs. Lilien. I have admired and adored Kelley Lilien for a while, but Trishy's compilation of all her cheeky Palm Beach goodness sent me into a pink and green whirl!

My sweet Trishy is also the inspiration for today's music choice. So happy she introduced me to Raphael Saadiq!


(Images via)

Being a Glamorous Gadabout all week long (and for the rest of the year!) and welcoming my darling Caitlin to our circle of ladies! If you haven't met Caitlin scoot your booty and go visit!


(Images via 1 & 2)

The Faire Frou Frou spread in Rue Mag Issue 3. It's possibly the most beautiful spread ever. You won't be disappointed with it, promise!

View the amazingly girly behind-the-scenes video by Austin Hendrix too!


(Image via)

The new J. Crew in L.A. photo shoot featuring cutie pie Samuel Page. You may recognize him from Mad Men or more recently Serena's love interest (and professor) on Gossip Girl. Yum.


 (Image via 1 & 2)

Meeting new friends via the blog, twitter, and tumblr. Please say hello if you're new here, I recognize some new faces!


What are you loving this week? Any exciting news to share?! Happy weekend, darlings! Make it fabulous!


Raphael Saadiq: "Love That Girl (Live)"


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