I SURVIVED!!!!!!!! I'm officially finished with work! Yippeeee!!! The day didn't turn out to be as bad as usual - busy with a few things to clear up, but I've been preparing for being gone for so long that I actually managed to avoid any mayhem!
However, after hitting the hay last night around 2:30am, I'm soooo tired. So my mister and I skipped dinner and opted for blizzards at Dairy Queen instead. I know... gasp! Who eats a 10,000 ice cream snack 7 days before their wedding? Well... I do. hahaha
We took a small detour and hit the bookstore and Blockbuster on our way home and tonight, we're going to relax with some tea and watch New In Town (one of my faves this year... already saw it, but can't wait to see it again!!!). Will be in bed by 11 in prep for tomorrow - the SPA DAY!!! I'm having waxes, mani/pedi, facial and massage and mister will also enjoy a facial and massage!
And with our wedding so close and our trip around the corner, it's only appropriate that we unwind by going to see The Proposal tomorrow evening!!! I just can't wait to see that movie! I love these two and Betty White is awesome!!!
Have a wonderful Friday tomorrow gals!
Pink Julep!
PS - I'm so excited!!!!
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