Tropic Blunder

We rented a few movies over the weekend...

Am I the only person on the planet who thought Tropic Thunder was the worst most UN-entertaining film on the planet??? Such a disappointment. I think it's causing me to rethink my 20 year long crush on Robert Downey Jr... sad little movie.

This movie on the other had was great! It was touching and funny - M & I both cried a lot... it's the little movie that could - nothing earth shattering, but it really does make you think about your civic responsibilities and the effects of wide-spread politics and what the actions would mean if narrowed down to just someone the candidate knows instead of millions of strangers. Good movie!
Not much else to report today - had a pretty stinky day at work, but only 2 more days of work before my trip, so my chin is up!!! I'm already packed!!! That's how excited I am to get off this rock!
Have a great night sweeties!
Pink Julep!


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