Holiday Theme + Giveaway!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Notice anything different around here? I decorate my house for Christmas, why not the blog too? Christmas is here, lovies! I'm so in love with my background, header and color theme that I didn't want to change it up too much, but I do think the garland and holly berries add a nice little touch, don't you?

(Image via we heart it)

My sweet friend, Suburban Princess, and I decided we would debut our holiday blog themes today together. We were both dying for some holiday cheer and made it a joint effort! Mrs. SP has quickly become a dear friend, she's incredibly kind and honest, with a little sass- we're a perfect pair!

Hop on over and check out her holiday theme too! Oh, and while you're there don't forget to enter her giveaway and 'ooh' and 'aww' over her recently published book! She's quite the lady, that Suburban Princess!


(Image via Martha Stewart)

A few weeks ago I received a lovely email from Cassandra at Pixie Chicago, a unique and custom paper design company. We ended up emailing back and forth, and she offered a fantastic giveaway for my readers! Just in time for the holidays! How fabulous is that?! What a great way to start the week!

Here are a few of Cassandra's lovely pieces:

Her pieces are so fun and unique and fantastic quality- perfect for gifts (wink, wink)! I was so excited to share her amazing company with you today, even if you don't win the giveaway you should probably order something from her shop anyway!

Thank you so much, Cassandra, for offering this giveaway to my readers!


 Miss Cassandra has offered a Brown Eyed Belle reader $25 toward any cards of your choice! How fabulous is she?!

Here's how you can enter:

1. Follow my bloggy
 2. 'Like' her Facebook page

 For extra entries you can:
3. Follow me on Twitter

The giveaway will be open until Sunday, November 28 at midnight. I will announce the winner on Monday morning, November 29!

Good luck, everyone!


Have a great Monday!



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