{table for two: campari-citrus sorbet}


. . . last week, it was vanilla yogurt popsicles, and this week, campari-citrus sorbet . . . summer is seeping into the hours and days with its golden rays and all one can do is feel the warmth on cheekbones and bare shoulders and stop for ice cream along the way . . .

c a m p a r i - c i t r u s s o r b e t
grapefruit, makes 1.5 quarts

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
3 cups grapefruit juice
1/2 cup campari

Mix the water and sugar together in a small pan over a low heat, bringing to boil until the sugar dissolves. Allow the simple syrup to boil for exactly 4 minutes (this will give the sorbet the best consistency). Remove from heat and cool (makes a little over 1 cup).

Combine the citrus juice and Campari and add 1 cup of the cooled syrup. Adjust to taste -- want to add a tablespoon or two extra syrup if you prefer it less tart. Remember, the mixture will taste slightly sweeter in liquid form than it does when frozen.

Freeze in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer’s directions {if you do not have an ice cream machine, they also make perfect popsicles}. After churning, allow sorbet to set in the freezer at least two hours.


{p.s.} previous table for two
* call me cupcake
le petit déjeuner
* meringue-encased lemon cakes
* home-made baguettes
* crab bruschetta

{recipe by zested & photography by liz v. photography via mowielicious}


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