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"time for you and time for me, and time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions, before the taking of a toast and tea"
~ from the love song of j. alfred prufrock by t.s. eliot
{image: flickr}
More related web entries for - {thoughts for a new week: toast & tea}:
- undefined
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- {monday, monday & all in a day's work}
- {hello & a brand new week}
- {a new week, a favourite bedroom & a few links}
- {notes from the weekend + late-sunday links}
- {a sunny monday & a brand new week}
- {matchbook magazine}
- {elegantly chic: the classic chignon}
- {a new week & a new year}
- {a new week & notes from the weekend}
- {hello & a few things}
- {décor inspiration: a place for everything}
- {places: in the kitchen}
- {travel inspiration: prague, czech republic}
- {hello & early morning musings}
- {spring things: may flowers}
- {storage inspiration: on display}
- {table for two: oceanside dreams}
- {décor inspiration: wallpapered cabinets}
- {on the market: stockholm, sweden}
- {on the market: manhattan townhouse}
- {table for two: crab bruschetta}
- {holiday inspiration: gold flatware}
- {table for two: the rose martini}
- {have summery, romantic weekend}
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- {hello & exciting news}

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