{table for two: oceanside dreams}

. . . and now, only a matter of time before deliriously lovely hazy summer afternoons and wind-rippled sand, fluttery dresses and fantastical floods of light, languid laughter and champagne by starlight -- but until then, scallops and oysters and oceanside dreams . . .

p a n - f r i e d b u t t e r & t h y m e s c a l l o p s
2 teaspoons olive oil
20g butter
1 clove garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons finely chopped thyme leaves
12 scallops, roe on, on the half shell
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon chopped chives

heat a medium frying pan over high heat; add the oil, butter, garlic and thyme and cook for 1 minute; remove the scallops from the shells, reserving the shells; add the scallops to the pan and cook for 30 seconds each side; place the cooked scallops back in the shells; add the lemon juice to the pan and cook for a further minute, then add the chives; spoon the pan sauce over the scallops; serves 4


s c a l l o p s w i t h l i m e w a s a b i d r e s s i n g
& o y s t e r s w i t h c h i v e a n d w i n e v i n e g a r d r e s s i n g

s c a l l o p s
2 tablespoons peanut oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1/3 cup (80ml) lime juice
4 teaspoons wasabi paste
12 scallops, roe off, on the half shell
peanut oil, extra for brushing
3 green onions (scallions), thinly sliced
lime wedges, to serve

preheat a char-grill (broiler) pan over medium heat; heat a small saucepan over low heat; add the oil and garlic to the saucepan and cook for 1 minute, then whisk in lime juice and wasabi; set aside and keep warm; remove the scallops form the shell, reserving the shell; brush the scallops with the extra oil and char-grill (broil) for 30 seconds on each side; place scallops in the shells; top with dressing and green onion and serve with lime wedges; makes 12

o y s t e r s
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/3 cup (80ml) white wine vinegar
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon rind
2 tablespoons finely chopped chives
12 shucked oysters

place the oil, vinegar, lemon rind and chives in a bowl and whisk to combine; spoon over the oysters and serve; makes 12



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