Hello, everyone! Can I get an 'amen' that it's Friday?! Thank you. I have class today which blows like a whistle. I would much rather be packing for a trip or with my girlfriends like last weekend. But today's post isn't about the things that are annoying me. It's about the things I'm in love with! Well, the things I'm in love with right now.
I got an email from Anthro last night and I decided that some browsing may put a smile on my face. Lookie what I found!!!
It has bicycles!!! I seriously almost died from the cuteness.
And then I came across this.....
Y'all know how I feel about birds!
Last night was Thursday, and you know what that means!! Real Housewives night! I am loving this season of NY! Yes, they are still dramatic, high maintenance, and spoiled rotten but I love them!
I love this photo. I've had it saved on my computer for a while and today is the perfect day to share it!
I came across these photos from the 2008 June Vogue shoot that SJP and Chris Noth did, and fell in love all over again. This is my favorite....
I will post all the pictures soon, they're just too good not to!
And finally, this is my COTM (color of the moment)
Essie Tart Deco is delish, in my opinion!
What are you in love with today? Grab the button and tell us about it!
Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm in love with you too!
Happy Friday!
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