In my opinion these are some of the worst-dressed turn-outs I have ever seen! Is it because of the recession or has taste just flown out the window?
Jessica Alba is such a pretty girl, but I don't understand - it's like she had a baby and traded in her sense of style for a bad hairstyle and a bright blue potato sack! Ew!

Sienna Miller - Um, Tinkerbell called and she wants her tutu back!

Diane Kruger - This one is almost right, but something about it just makes it wrong. And someone should've told her to wash her hair and have it styled! This is like bridesmaid dress gone wrong!

Hayden Panatierre - Goodness me! This dress is too short! My stepdad would call this a "duck dress" because "it covers everything but the quack!" And what's with the stripper shoes? Survey says... NOPE!
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