I have found the listening to my ipod distracts me into working out longer and inspires me beyond all control. I find myself saying in my head "Just one more song!" and the motivation is very clear... I thought I'd share a few selections from my countdown to skinny playlist:
1. "Jolene" performed by Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies - it's a punked out sped up version of the Dolly Parton classic so it gets me movin - AND!!!- more importantly, it reminds me how great it will be if I look SMOKIN the next time I see my good ole Southern, Dolly Parton-luvin family & friends!!! BONUS!
2. "GLAMOROUS" by Fergie - inspires me to work hard for a buff and incredibly thin body that clothes just hang on like all those glamor gals that recently attended The Golden Globes!
3. "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield - reminds me of how skinny The Hills girls are and how fab they look even when hung over with unbrushed hair and no make-up - The Skinny lets you get away with so much... seriously, it's ridiculous and something I've never experienced!
4. "Get Low" by Flo-Rida - just does it for me. But I have a hard time not shakin it on the treadmill!
5. "Gimme More" by Britney Spears - recently I read in a magazine that Britney likes to work out listening to radio stations that often play her hits because it inspires her to work harder. Well, I feel the same - listening to her reminds me that if she can rock a hot bod, so can I, but like her, I'm gonna have to work for it!
The workout plan is going well so far. Two days last week and so far two days this week, but I've increased my calorie burn by moving from the bike to the treadmill and I'm also lifting weights. Arms and legs rotating days... I'm aiming for at least 5 days a week and maybe a little something on weekends if I'm bored or its raining - not likely. And the diet is going well too - in order to reach my goal weight by the wedding date, I'm on 1440 calories per day - not recommending this to anyone as I'm not sure it's healthy, but I'm not hungry yet, so it seems to be okay!!! I'm MOTIVATED even though this week I've gained a 1/4 lb... what's up with that?!?!?!
Pink Julep
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