I hate leaving him all alone while I'm at work. I leave Nick Jr. on TV to keep him company. We're crate training him, but during the day we put his crate in the doorway of the bathroom so he has the bathroom to play around in and then his crate to sleep in.
Willow is doing great though. He's learning so fast. He's having little to no accidents in the house and he's starting to go to the door to let us know when he needs to go out. He already knows how to "sit" and he's good about staying close to us and coming when we call. He loves to get curled up in his crate and sleep at night and gladly climbs in when we say "Night, night Willow."
He's a big fan of his puppy food, but he also loves apples, carrots and peanut butter as treats. He also has big time puppy gas...lol...and really lets some stinky ones rip while he sleeps.
We are over the moon in love with him and can't imagine why no one else adopted him before us. It must have been meant to be...he is the perfect puppy! And I know I'm biased, but he really is.
He's definitely keeping us busy though...I haven't been able to get in any running in the past four days and I feel like I've already gained 10 pounds. But when he climbs in my lap, curls up and gives me a puppy dog face..it's all worth it!
And just to clarify, Willow is named after the 1988 movie Willow.... not Willow Smith of "I flip my hair..." fame. :)
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