. . . before dashing out the door with a latte and mile-long to-do list, a very favourite way to wear my hair {besides a chignon, of course!} is in soft, loose waves, a little tousled, a little sexy and a little '70s -- wonderful for the work-week, but especially so for the weekend, but whether it's a downtown lunch meeting or a late sunday brunch, it's always perfect for breezy april days . . .
b e f o r eoy o uob e g i n,op e r f e c tot h eos e t
three essential steps, for just enough volume & bounce to be the building block of any style:
o n e
begin with freshly shampooed hair, for a beautiful, natural shine
t w o
massage volume & body mousse through the roots, then blow-dry hair smooth, using a large round brush if your hair is naturally curly, or a paddle brush if your hair is naturally straight
t h r e e
for body, you can use hot rollers, velcro rollers, or a large curling iron; for a curling iron, randomly twist slices of hair around the barrel and carefully pin up until cool, and you're set for any of the sexy, tousled styles below...

e a s y t w i s t
a ponytail on top, pulled up in the back, then turned over on itself like a bun--but only half done; one elastic band (and a couple of pins if your hair is really thick) should do the trick

u n d o n e u p - d o
a random parting, a few loose tendrils left out and a tiny bit of back-brushing on the crown, gently lift the top and sides, ease it all back and hold with an elastic band

s o f t b u n c h e s
let hair fall into a natural, off-centre part, then gather the lengths into two ponytails and fasten very loosely with ribbon just below the shoulders

n a t u r a l b o d y
or, if your prefer, for an even less laboured look, after hair is set, simply brush out just enough that it looks a little lived-in, being careful to not straighten ends, keeping a few relaxed a curls
{p.s.} previous how-to's:
h a i r
* a side chignon
* a classic chignon
* a double-knot
e v e r y t h i n g e l s e
* a braided brass hex nut bracelet
* a sweet nothings garland
* a classic english hand-tied bouquet
* summery ombré napkins
{images: from glamour uk, fashion editorial, the big easy; model: lindsay lullman at next models, london; photographer: simon emmett; creative director: charlotte-anne fidler; hair: sam mcknight at premier; makeup: mary greenwell at premier; nails: andrea fulerton at emma davis via fashionising; steps adapted from glamour uk}
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