{how to: lovely ombré napkins}

. . . while it may still be a little too soon for mid-afternoon picnics, have always loved to plan ahead {just a little}, and what could be lovelier on an early spring day than the prettiest pastel-coloured napkins alongside pink champagne and crème brûlée?


{you will need:}

* white fabric napkins (it’s nice to have a few extra for testing)
* several glass cups / jars (tall enough to dip the napkins in, one for each color)
* wooden paint stirrers or pencils
* paint brushes
* scrap paper strips (if you have scrap white fabric, even better)
* clothespins
* rubber gloves
* paper towels
* rit fabric dye
{you will need very little dye, so boxes are preferable to the bottle size; choose whatever colours look pretty to you and a range of similar colors if you wish to mix shades}



1. fold napkin into the shape you want it to be in when it’s finished; clip the top with two clothespins (so you can pick it up later without getting any stray dye on it) then put it aside

2. line kitchen counter with paper towels or other protective gear; fabric dye will stain things like wood and hands, so be certain to wear gloves

3. fill a jar with hot water (roughly to the height you want it on the napkin), then add a pinch of fabric dye; the dye is potent, so use just a few crumbs; stir until the dye is well mixed, then dip a piece of scrap paper to test how dark the dye is; keep mixing dyes until you get a shade you like, testing with paper as you go

4. dip the napkin quickly several times, first with the lightest shade, then mixing the dye darker and dipping again, a little lower on the napkin each time; rest the napkin on paper towels in the sink in between dye sessions; as an alternative, you can also dip a paintbrush into the dye and paint the napkin for a bolder look; the dye is really quite forgiving, so have fun experimenting

5. when all the napkins are finished, air dry flat on the counter


{p.s.} previous how-to's:
a classic english hand-tied bouquet
* a driftwood table lamp
* a side chignon
* a guide to champagne


{also new today:}
* runway inspiration: valentino, paris
* table for two: meringue-encased lemon cakes

{all images via once wed; instructions via emily at once wed}


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