Resolutions and Goals for 2009

So, I'm no different from most girls this time of year - the #1 on my list of resolutions is (drum roll please)....

#1 - With the wedding coming up and now living my new island lifestyle (which means being constantly half naked at the pool or at the beach) the dieting and working out is more important than ever! Not only that, but Marc is in his 40's and I'm going to be 30 in 2 years and being healthy is of the upmost importance!!! If we get to be married for 100 years, it still won't be enough - gotta make that time last!
So with diet and exercise (we belong to the gym and will be frequenting it often this year!) I am hoping to get the rockin bod I've always wanted. Desired effect is to go from this:
To this:

And like many, I live with my fiance who could eat everything on the planet and lose ten pounds, so I often feel like this:

Constantly surrounded by treats, but it stops here - starting tomorrow, well, Monday really, I'm going to give a try at becoming the diet & fitness nazi!!! Let's see how long it lasts - I'm never good at keeping my resolutions!
My next resolution:

#2 - I want to become a neater, cleaner & much more organized person - this is an ongoing task - I've already gotten better, but 2009 seems like it's gonna be my year for getting organized!!! Learning to be tidy - keeping it together!

#3 - Along with getting organized, I also resolve to create a good routine for Marc and myself. Now, I always shy away from routines in the name of spontaneity, but I've come to realize that the only way to accomplish all my goals is to get a schedule for everything that needs to be done and stick to it - repeat it and fine tune it as I go along. I have to stop spontaneously skipping the gym or eating a large blizzard from the Dairy Queen and get my affairs in order - get to organizing my days!!!

#4 - Very important, I resolve to include in my routine more time for taking care of myself, caring for my skin, hair, nails, etc.

More time for masks and facials - always making time to do my hair and makeup because looking better will make me feel better and more confident....

And more time for moisturizing - I have been bad in the past... I am horrible! I often sleep in my make-up and only moisturize the way I should on special occassions because I'm incredibly LAZY!!!

#5 - I want to learn to cook some new things and maybe some harder things - spice it up a little at the dinner table and bring some variety to my kitchen!!!

#6 - I am going to find time to finally check out the glassblowing studio on the island. I have seen this done once in Venice, Italy and it's very cool! Well, actually, it's hot - and maybe a little dangerous, but M & I totally want to try it and we've been putting it off for ages. How cool will it be when I can say that I made the vase on my dining table with my own hands!??! Very cool, I think!!!

Well, those are my goals for the year - I hope I'll be able to at least accomplish some of each one - I'm feeling very positive and motivated about it all!
I wish you all luck with your resolutions and goals too!!! I think 2009 is going to be a very good year!!!
Pink Julep


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