Tonight we're celebrating quietly at home with wine, Prosecco and Champagne (not that we'll drink it all, but we have options) and we just had a love turkey dinner with lucky peas, mash and gravy. We're gonna chill, watch the ball drop and play a few board games. Should be good fun!
And with the New Year coming round in a few hours, I thought I'd share my New Year's Resolutions with you all!
1. Be more healthy - this includes eating healthier, exploring more healthy options like vitamins and most importantly, working out more and shedding some of my blubber! (I know... this is probably everyone's resolution, but it's a journey, not necessarily a destination.)
2. Be more tidy and organized - I'm a hot mess! Nuff said!
3. Stop biting my nails - GROSS! I know, but it's a habit I've had since I got teeth... working on it!
4. Continue to better my cooking skills - As you all know, I've started learning how to really cook from scratch this year. I love it, my hubs and I both love the results and it's sooo rewarding!
5. Read at least 1 book per month - I read, but not as much as I'd like. I'm hoping this goal will get me away from the telly too many hours a day.
6. Be more well put-together - Because I live in Casual Central, I've ben pretty bad about going to the office occasionaly sans make-up and hair with comfy, but unfashionable shoes... this needs to stop if for no other reason, than to prepare me for my inevitable return to the real world some day! I'm talking regular mani/pedi's, normal shoes and hair and make-up at all costs. These Pink Julep renovations have already started!
7. Chill out - I'm a massive spaz! Everything freaks me out, makes me nervous and upsets me... nuff said. I gotta chillax or I'm gonna have a heart attack at 32! LA was so chill and really changed my way of looking at things for the better I think.
8. Take my make-up off every night before bed! - I am an offender of the golden rule of skincare. I often tumble into bed with make-up on, which is sooo gross, I know... It stops tomorrow if not tonight!
9. Be more social - We are kind of hermits here and have been social butterflies as of late which has made the island much more bearable for us both. We've already set out for monthly "family dinners" in rotation with two of our super fun neighbor couples so that's a start. And I'm considering throwing another party since our birthdays are 5 days apart and the last one was so fun!
10. Be more active - Besides going to the gym, I think it's time I started doing more outdoorsy things like walks on the beach, hiking, and the occasional horse ride or jet ski rental.
These are my goals for 2010! If I accomplish at least 1 of them, I'll be a better Pink Julep! What are your resolutions?
Pink Julep!
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