So on Friday I vented about my recent loss of a gorgeous Lily dress from Rue La La due to mysterious circumstances...
And because of my tweets and because of my email, Amy from Rue La La contacted me by Twitter, email, and voice mail to set things right.
She said that something was wrong with the dress, that it didn't meet their quality standards, so they couldn't send it to me. (Part of me wants to ask what was wrong - if it was a small stain, rip, one sleeve longer than the other, etc. - I think I still would have taken the dress!)
They credited my account $20 - which is pretty cool.
P.S. Thanks to everyone who left their condolences and suggestions in the comments on Friday's post - definitely helped with the pain. :)
So while I'm still a little upset over the loss, at least - after some whining on my end - Rue La La made amends.
And Rue La La's loss from what I would have spent on the Lily Peacock dress is Anthropologie's gain - somehow in my backwards, trying to cope, retail therapy induced mind...I felt that I should hurry up and spend what I would have spent on that dress on something else I adore... because I had already committed to the cost of the dress, right? So... it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and spend it on something else, right? And having something new - even if it isn't THE DRESS - would definitely make me feel better, right?? :-/
So I bought this lovely ivory cardigan from Anthro - and I can't wait to get it! It has stellar reviews, and I can see myself wearing this with just about any dress I own, paired with some adorable boots, this Fall.

Oh yeah... and happy 08/09/10....does anyone else feel like this year is flying by? I need a pause button please, thank you.
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