
So I just moved down to Charleston last August from Columbia. I lived in a three bedroom house that I own. I had lived there for almost four years, so when I knew I would be moving to Charleston, the packing began - you sure do accumulate a lot of stuff after four years.

And boy do I hate packing... the entire process stresses me out. Especially knowing that once you're all packed up and moved, you then have to unpack...not to mention that I had to change all my bank accounts, bills, magazine subscriptions, etc. to the new address. Ugg...I get that weird butterfly feeling (not the good one) in my stomach whenever I think about it...

my living room in Columbia prior to my move to Charleston...chaos

And guess what? I'm moving again! Luckily I'm only moving about 20 minutes away from where I live now, but now I've got to pack ALL OVER AGAIN! I feel like I just moved... I have to do it all over again? Why am I doing this to myself?

Right now I live downtown - and I like downtown Charleston, it's beautiful with lots of great events and things to do. And I like going downtown, but I've found that it's rare for me to go downtown often, even though I practically live downtown. But I've also realized that I'm a girl of convenience... I like to park in front of restaurants, bars. I like being close to the grocery store, Target, the pharmacy, etc.

Living downtown does have its perks (cheap cab ride downtown), but after living there for a year, I'm ready to be a five minute drive to the grocery store as opposed to a 20 min. drive. And yes, there is a Food Lion right around the corner from me...but if you saw this Food Lion and the clientele, you wouldn't go there either.

So I'm moving to Mt. Pleasant, which for those of you not familiar with Charleston, it's right across the bridge from downtown Charleston, a more suburban family-friendly area where you access two of Charleston's major beaches - I'll be able to ride my bike pretty much anywhere...including Sullivan's Island, aka the beach! The grocery store is almost on my doorstep and I'll have easier access to all of the places I love on Coleman Blvd.

I'm moving in only two weeks...with a July 4th vacation smack dab in the middle of these two I will literally have days to pack all of my sh... stuff. I'm getting that bad butterfly stomach thing again thinking about it...

I just have to keep reminding myself that once I'm moved into my new little condo and unpacked and settled, I'll be a stone's throw away from the beach...sigh. Only 2 weeks...


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