Rue La La ruined my weekend

So remember when I posted Wednesday about how excited I was to get some great items from the Lily Pulitzer sale on Rue La La? Including this beauty of a dress that many of you commented I was lucky to have gotten?

Well... I was excited about this dress...ecstatic, because I LOVE peacocks and come's gorgeous!

So, imagine my surprise when I opened up my email today and saw a lovely little email with the subject line, "Information regarding your Rue La La order". I open it and this is what it says...

"We are sorry to have to tell you that the merchandise listed below has become unavailable, and has been removed from your order.

1 Lilly Pulitzer "Sandpiper" Peacock Silk Dress

Before sending merchandise out to our Members, we take a close look at everything in the shipment. On rare occasions like this, an issue arises with an item and the order cannot be fulfilled. We've removed the merchandise in question from your order and, of course, you will not be charged for it.

We know how disappointing this is, and we sincerely apologize. If there is anything further we can do for you, please write to us at or call us toll-free at 888-992-LALA (5252). We will be glad to answer any questions or to assist you in any way that we can.

Thank you so much for your understanding, and for being a Rue La La Member.

Sincerely, Your Rue La La Concierge"

WHAT THE @$%#$%#$%!!!

First of all... that's all the explanation I get? That's all I get for a sale they know sold out in minutes, for a sale they knew was very, very popular? All I get is "has become unavailable"? What...did one of Rue La La's employee's sister's friend's nurse's aunt's cousin want the dress and they took it away from me to give to her??

And to top it off - to make it right and make me feel better about this huge loss, they offer me "we sincerely apologize". Oh. That makes me feel better. >:(

Rue La La, this would have been preferable for your email:
"We feel awful about this because we know you were one of the lucky ones to snag this dress - so in return, we have put you at the top of a waiting list - so if one of these dresses is returned in your size, it's yours - and at a $25 discount to ease your emotional distress.

However, if we do not receive a dress back in 30 days, we are giving you a $50 credit to your Rue La La account to make up for OUR mistake with your order. We know that when you got the email 'Your order is confirmed' that was a contract that we promised you that item - so we're making up for it with the $50 gift."

Seriously. Where is the customer service Rue La La? I know it's just a saw it... that wasn't JUST a dress. Ugg. I don't know if I'm more upset about the fact that I've lost this dress or upset about the way Rue La La handled it.

So I emailed them back and explained how disappointed I was in them... you know, because when your mom told you, "I'm not mad, just really disappointed", you felt worse?

I also explained that I was shocked at how poorly they handled it - by giving me no explanation and nothing to "make it right". I think I may have even mentioned that I was "in tears", which I'm not, but it definitely adds a dramatic effect to it, right?

While I'm sure Rue La La will feel so badly to hear little 'ol me is in tears and will rush to give me the dress or a credit... ha, right... I didn't think it could hurt to send them an email and let them know just how I feel. I have a feeling my email might be the "Hilarious and sad customer email of the week" at next week's Rue La La staff meeting.

But little do they know that I'm blogging about it right now - and hopefully this post will be the third or fourth (or 1 millionth) search result when someone Googles 'Rue La La'.

I AM really disappointed - because I've always been a big fan of Rue La La, over Gilt, Ideeli, etc. But now I'm like...should I continue to shop with them? What if this happens again? Can my soul take the emotional toll again?

So I'll keep you posted if I get a response. I might get three more emails telling me the rest of my order items have 'become unavailable', but at least I stood up for myself! :*(

Maybe I should email Lily herself! I'm sure she would want to know about this monstrosity involving HER brand.

FINE PRINT: In case you couldn't tell, this post is laced with sarcasm - I'm not that materialistic...but I am VERY upset...understandably, right?

Did this happen to anyone else with their orders??


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