Pink Julep Says... LOCK YOUR DOORS!!!

Unfortunately, someone crept into our house last night while we slept, breaking in through the locked door and stealing nearly all of our electronics - our laptop, Wii and all the games and gadgets, 2 Nintendo DS's and all those games, and both our i-pods.

A kind neighbor has lent us a laptop for a little while since that was all we had for calling home (Skype) so that we can make phone calls to our parents, etc. As you can imagine, laptops are not readily available on a small rock in the middle of the sea and when they are, the price is VERY HIGH! I am highly doubtful with the high demand for bootleg electronics here that we will get our stuff back.

So my blogs could be few and far between for a while. I ask you to say a prayer for my sanity as this is the last straw for me. Once before I joined my then boyfriend here on the island, his apartment was broken into while he was cooking in the kitchen. Twice in one year is not a good sign, apart from the other flaws of living on this God-forsaken island and I am so ready to go home, though that's completely impossible at this point. I also never thought that the first thing we'd fill out as a married couple would be a police report! I didn't expect to have people dusting for prints on our souvineres from our honeymoon either only 3 weeks after our wedding, but I suppose it could have definitely been worse.

Luckily, my zip drive wasn't stolen, so I still have most of the photos from the wedding - I haven't forgotten and once I'm settled with a new laptop (could be ages from now) I promise to post the photos you haven't seen yet.

Always remember to lock your deadbolt and chain your door! Our deadbolt was not locked and that's how they got in. We could have been killed or hurt! They came in and out while we were sleeping and didn't even have the courtesy to shut the door when they left, leaving us there for someone else to come after us. It will be hard to sleep here from now on. Stay safe ladies and peace out for now, but eventually I'll be back in full swing! I'll be reading during lunch breaks at work when I can.

Pink Julep


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