Perfect date movie for me and my BF

Like most couples, my BF and I love to go to the movies. We usually take a while to figure out which movie to see - generally agreeing on the comedies. He loves scary movies - I'm terrified of them. I love the dramas, dance movies and romances - and like most men, he would fall asleep.

However... I think I may have just found the perfect date movie for us. Check out the trailer below for 'Black Swan' - featuring Natalie Portman (one of my fave actresses - love her) and Mila Kunis. Two ballerinas competing for the same role in Swan Lake (one of my fave ballets).

The twist? It's a dark horror movie as well - it looks freaky, but my BF will love it. So now I can have my pretty ballet (well..pretty at first I'm sure) and he can have his scary parts.

Movie comes out Dec. 1st.


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