Welcome to My Crib: Guest Bedroom & Bathroom

Hey there! Welcome to the first edition of 'Welcome to My Crib.' I even made a little button for it! I'm featuring my guest bedroom and bathroom! If you want to come visit this where you can crash! Enjoy.

Guest Bedroom:

 I decided to do green and white in the guest bedroom. I just think it's so pretty and fresh together. I love the comfy guest bedding!

I love wicker. I just think there's something homey about it.

I love Marilyn Monroe. I've had these pictures of her for a while. I thought they added a nice touch in the guest room. I have to get a new basket for that blanket, though...

I wanted you to see the chair too :)

A few closeups and details....

Pretty green vase and magazine basket next to the bed. SJP on display, of course.

That's the first wedding bouquet I ever caught! The wicker chest you can see in the picture has a bunch of my baby keepsakes.

I have one of these paintings on each side of the window. Wanna take a guess where I got them?? Would you believe Wal-Mart?!

For your reading pleasure....

Marilyn and tiny candles

I found this pillow at TJ Maxx on a great sale not too long ago. It matches the bedding perfectly, as you can see from the pillow behind it! I just love a good deal!


 Now, onto the bathroom...
The guest bathroom is done in white and neutral shades, with a little green thrown in for color.

Do you all display photos in your bathroom?? Millie and I love to greet our guests!

Hope you enjoyed! Anyone wanna visit?? I love company! The kitchen and laundry room will be next! Stay tuned!


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