Today I'm not letting anyone rain on my parade.
Have you ever had someone that just completely ruins your day?
Maybe it's a friend, your mom, your boss.....
But they just manage to put a snag in your day. Do you know the people I'm talking about?
They just get under your skin and drag you down; maybe they don't mean to, maybe they do, but it really upsets you...
You woke up with the expectation of having a wonderful day (a parade) and they brought the clouds and eventually the rain....
Today let's not let anything or anyone bring us down.
Let's make our own happiness today. Agree?
Today the sun is going to shine and we won't need to pull out our umbrellas.
Let's only use our umbrellas as accessories (like that picture up there), or to shield all the sunshine!
Don't let anyone rain on your parade today.
"Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny."
Bob Marley
(Photos here)
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