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. . . this year, i resolve to celebrate big events & little adventures . . .
{image: a glamorous little side project}
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- {happy all hallow's eve}
- {have a magical halloween weekend}
- Halloween Glam
- {fashion inspiration: the pantsuit}
- {fashion inspiration: gold flower cluster necklace}
- {at the shops: kora | nairobi, kenya}
- {lookbook: greta fall | winter 2011}
- {two lovely things: ponytails & polka dots}
- Very Pink Weekend Wishes!
- {photographer: jamie beck, new york}
- {places: backstage at miu miu}
- {at the office: the pantsuit}
- Wordless Wednesday: Great Hair Day
- {style inspiration: perfectly ladylike}
- {at the shops: neology by mina, brooklyn, ny}
- In Motion
- Street Style Chic
- Monday Musing
- It's Friday. I'm in Love.

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