{how-to: gilded party animal cupcake toppers}



. . . quite possibly the most simply chic & ingeniously fun idea ever: a menagerie of plastic animals and candle holders, a drill and a little gold spray paint, and before you know it, it's party time . . .




{you will need:}

plastic animals

plastic candle holders

drill with 1/8″ drill bit


gold spray paint



1. use any type of plastic animal you can find, keeping in mind the size of the cake or cupcake you are planning to top; ones with a flat back work best

2. with the pliers, hold the animal steady, and drill a hole straight down, being careful not to come out the other side; the hole only has to be deep enough for the candle holder to fit

3. spray paint the animals in a few light coats, rotating them to cover all sides; note: gold/metallic spray paint will work fine without primer, but if you are using regular spray paint for colour variations, be certain to use a plastic spray paint or a primer for plastic, and always test one first

4. spray the candle holders to match

5. put on your dancing shoes & pop open the champagne


previous how-to's:

h a i r

* a side chignon

* a classic chignon

* a double-knot

e v e r y t h i n g e l s e

* a braided brass hex nut bracelet

* a sweet nothings garland

* a classic english hand-tied bouquet

* summery ombré napkins


{additional credits: all instructions [with edits] & images by jenny from hank & hunt for the sweetest occasion}


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