Blog Crushes (Oldies, but Goodies!)

Hello, lovers! Blog crush time is here again! 

This time I decided to feature some of the first blogs that I found when I started blogging! Hence the 'oldies but goodies' title :)

I hope you enjoy visiting these sweet ladies, they have been wonderful to me from the beginning, and I'm certain they will welcome your visit! Just click their headers to go to the blogs.


Annemarie at

Darling Annemarie has a beautiful style blog- home, fashion, and a few other goodies thrown in there. She was one of my first followers and just showed so much kindness to me from the very beginning. Love you, lady!


Kristen at

What attracted me to Kristen's blog was her hilarious sense of humor. Her posts were so witty and literally made me laugh out loud! I just couldn't resist her magnetic personality. Please go congratulate her on the recent birth of her baby boy, Smith! You make me smile, mama :)


Jen at 

Little Miss Jen was an instant favorite. She's a Nola girl, of course I was going to love her! She does wonderful weekly features all wrapped up in southern charm. You will adore her just like I do!

Summer at
Oh my precious Summer. I talk about her all the time, she is so special. She has the kindest heart and her blog is so real. Y'all know how I feel about realness, right? Her blog is irresistible and full of charm and personality! You're the bestest Sum Sum!


Meredith at
 Meredith is a trip! When I found her I knew we had to be friends. She does weekly 'news you can use' that is vital to your weekly schedule! She's hilarious and such a doll. Please go say hello!


Rasha at

Rasha and I were meant to be! We joke that we aren't really sure who found the other. I think I found her, though :) She is so adorable and head over heels in love. Her posts are full of emotion and heart. I'm sure she would love to have you!


Lacey at

My sweet Lace Face is a dear. She has shown me so much kindness since I first found her. She is also in love and we get to see her smile through her posts. She's also so talented and has her own Etsy shop! All-around awesome chica!


Brooke at
 Not only is Brooke beautiful and an awesome mama, she is hilarious and stylish and has amazing hair. Yea, she's quite the combination of all-things fabulous. I'm certain you will feel the same way I do!


Kristen at

KS has a heart of gold, she's beautiful inside out! She blogs about things she loves, pretties, funny stories and her goings on. Her blog is all-around entertainment. Have I told you I adore you, lady?


Hope you're having a great evening, everyone! I'll be back tomorrow with 'Friday, I'm in Love!'


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