{spring things: organization}


. . . there is a vintage sterling silver serviette holder on my desk {below}, that is used for favourite photographs, letters, invitations, and gold foil-lined envelopes; however with a change in season and a brand new month, aside from the overwhelming desire to throw open every french door and window, there are also thoughts of redoing, perhaps repainting, but most of all, reorganizing, and at this moment {besides the closets} it is the office, currently overflowing with letters, cards, bills, receipts and recent boarding passes . . . and the serviette holder, however lovely, can only hold so much, so perhaps a silver vintage toast rack {beautiful and practical} may be just the thing . . .

above, on my desk, sterling silver serviette holder

above, vintage toast rack, from etsy

above, ultra-luxe english sterling silver toast rack from 1938, ebay

above, silver plated toast rack from mothology

above, metal and below, silver plate, both florence & florence


. . . and if you ever find yourself roaming about the antique markerts early one saturday morning, in paris, or otherwise, a latte in hand a boyfriend in tow, you'll most likely find a wonderful array. . . and of course, for those quiet moments on weekday mornings, there is always a vast assortment online, from etsy, {here}, and ebay, {here} . . .

{images: top, scan by this is glamorous from domino magazine, 2 - iphone photography by this is glamorous; 3, 5 & 6 -- as listed; 4 - scan by this is glamorous from domino magazine, february 2008, photography by justin bernhaut}


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