. . . you know weekends are good when friday links become late-sunday ones, and sunday links are moved to monday . . . and this weekend was paris vogue and spanish wine, a late saturday night of dreams and plans and moonlight, an always leisurely sunday brunch and drinks on a sun-drenched terrace {first of the season!} . . . and, now monday, monday and it's good to see you again -- how are things?
wherever in the world you may be, hope you had an extravagantly lovely weekend and that your week is off to a perfect start, roséline xo
a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s
* the perfect intermingling of: modern & ornate
* patterns & textures: fall versus spring
* architecture: a castle in miami, complete with a moat
* style: are you a marilyn or a jackie?
* photography: chandeliers & lace
* details: in black & white
* spring hair inspiration: ponytails
* spring things: container gardening
* travel: norwegian architecture & nature
* all in a day's work: this chiffon blouse & these shoes
* travel: horses & geysers in iceland
* décor inspiration: a lacy curtain {via 79 ideas}
* a study: in fireworks
a s a l w a y s , a f e w t h i n g s y o u m a y h a v e m i s s e d
* spring things: april showers
* table for two: oceanside dreams
* favourite five: camille eddera
* style inspiration: plexiglas clutch
* spring things: organization
i n s p i r a t i o n f o r a b r a n d n e w w e e k
* two lovely things: green & white
* style inspiration: colour, colour, colour
* two lovely things: open selves & elegant black
* hair how-to: sexy & tousled
i f y o u a r e o n l y j u s t a r r i v i n g , a l i t t l e h a p p y n e w s
* an interview
{images: current favourite bedroom -- the chambre aux oiseaux -- in a 16-century french château, the wallpaper is antique zuber; scan by this is glamorous, photography by tim beddo for architectural digest}
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