Pink and Green Thursday: I'll Tumbl for Ya

(Image via we heart it)


Happy Thursday, sweets!

Yes, happy indeed, because I am officially on spring break. Oh, the beauty of working in a school! I am feeling the stress just melting away already. In addition to spring vacation, I will be finished with graduate school in exactly two weeks. Can you believe it?! So much to celebrate!


For today's Pink and Green Thursday, I took inspiration from the hostess with the mostess, Trishy, and decided to share my tumblr inspiration board with you!

Belle of the Ball is the abbreviated counterpart of my life and style blog. It's the place I go when I'm needing some sunshine, some inspiration, or to archive photos that I love. It's a little more quirky, silly, and free-spirited than BeB. Here are a couple snapshots of my inspiration board. . .

So why would I feature my tumblr for Pink and Green Thursday, you ask? Here are just a few reasons.



{Entertaining Ideas}


{Sweet Treats}


{Colorful Collages}


{Fanciful Fashions}


{Pretty Art}


{No inspiration board would be complete without a dose of Lilly and Kate Spade}

(All images can be found via Belle of the Ball, original sources are linked there.}


I hope you'll join me over at Belle of the Ball, and if you have a tumblr of your own please leave the link in my comments box! I have a few of my favorites linked over on the right sidebar under "lovely links" including Textbook, Prepfection, Oscar PR Girl, Trishy Rose, and Vogue & Coffee.

Go on, click on over, I know you're going to love what you find!

Sending you Pink and Green wishes all day long!



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