What do you get when mix fifteen fifth graders and 'the talk?'
Some freaking funny conversation, that's what!
Yesterday, I was in the front office and the health teacher comes in and tells me about the sex education lesson that the fifth grade had just had. I was dying, y'all. Seriously, I have the best job ev-er!
Setting: Fifth grade classroom, 15 students learning about sex. The lesson was supposed to be strictly about the anatomy, you know, the proper names for all that stuff and where it is. Well, the kids were not satisfied with just the anatomy, they wanted to know how the sperm and the egg 'get together.' After that explanation the following conversation happened between a precocious young man and our health teacher.
Student: "So, how does it feel??"
Teacher: "Like barb wire and razor blades!"
Student: "Is it like when you play with it??"
Teacher: "Well, kinda...."
Student: "I'm just gonna say it, is it like when you masturbate??!"
Teacher: "That will make you go blind."
The health teacher then says, "Prepare yourself. You're gonna have those kids coming to your office!"
Imagine me literally cackling in the office hearing this story. I died!! I love my job!!
Happy 'hump' day! Lol, I couldn't resist!!
(Photos via weheartit)
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